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A Hybrid Boarding Platform

Designing New Ecourban Environments for XXII Century

A Network of Smart Cities 3.0



The Cassandra Project has been created with a social purpose of improving the quality of life of humans in artificial environments, designing new Ecourban Environments called HBP - Hybrid Boarding Platforms (HBPECOSYSTEM). 


Where the individual is the center and with the objective of physical and mental equilibrium in self-sufficient & ultra-efficient ecoenvironments , putting together technology, urban design, information systems, human intelligence and governance.


Defined as a Cybernetic Model of Symmetric Equilibrium under the Third Level of The Cybernetics (CMSE-3), creating a Symmetric Collective Conscious (SCC), as a state-of-the-art human interrelations model.


Collage de diente de león

“During this Century, one billion world population will migrate to Hybrid Boarding Platforms"

"In a certain moment, every human being of this planet will have to take a decision; whether to live in a symmetric or in an asymmetric world of human relations."

Alfredo L. Peña, Founder, The Cassandra Project

Luces borrosas

The Cassandra Project in 60 seconds

Platform Operating Systems will be a new solution for future Hybrid EcoEnvironments.


Only the Systems that may be implemented as a Cybernetic Model of Symmetric Equilibrium under the Third Level of Cybernetics will succesfully offer state-of-the-art solutions to Humanity.  

The World after 2020

" We are moving into a world where the Driving Force will be Security versus Money."


                          Alfredo L. Peña

                          X International Conference for                                             Sustainable Communities,

                             Joint Research Center, UE

                             Frankfurt, March 2018

Crisis of the Cities

Cities face integration of different Ecosystems in confrontation, resulting Depredator Environments.


Extreme Financialization, Public Space as mere space of transit, unhealthy environment, face the new paradigm in the increase of life expectancy, inefficient management, higher level of consciuos and waste of resources put many cities in a cul-de-sac.

El horizonte de la ciudad

Research Centre:


Partners & Alliances:  

EuroMed - Central EuraAsia -Asia Pacific

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