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"You can change the world in a snap of your fingers ... change the language and reality will change in a nanosecond."       

                                                    The Founder

Hand holding of global data network, Big

A Hybrid Boarding Platform Ecosystem

Transactional Model

Psycho-Biological Urbanism

Asset Digitalization & Utility Token

Platform Operating System (P.O.S.)

Decentralized Information Network (D.I.N.)

Decentralized Autonomous Organization (D.A.O.)

Cybernetic Model of Symmetric Equilibrium  (CMSE-3)

Symmetric Collective Conscious  (SCC)

The Eight Pillars of the Ecosystem

Image by Rémi Boyer

Self-Sufficient & Ultra-Efficient EcoEnvironments

Psycho-Biologycal Urbanism: beyond Biologycal Urbanism


Physical and Mental Equilibrium in Urban Environments

foto lago ciudad.JPG
Circular City.jpg
3d circulo wcr.JPG
digital futuristic technology in smart a

Transactional Model - 


This model is unique in how the Energy Interechanges, Energy Storage and Energy Dispersion is managed in the HBPlatform.


Setting how all Boarders, Companies and Value Adders interact in the Ecosystem and how this Interconnects with other Ecosystems.


Configuring its own Econometric Model based in the Security of the Platform and the Boarders and fair and transparent protocols of interaction among them and the P.O.S.




Utility Token and Asset Digitalization


The Platform will use two Tokens:


Jules Energy Token (JET)               100,000,000.00 JET  

Utility Token for operations in the Platform.  

Etherscan Rinkeby Testnet Network Contract:   0xF06e2a6143bd8ff54be3564dc97484d0967f4D85


Special Boarding Rights (SBR)              100,000,000.00 SBR  

Security Token Asset for the rights over Platform Assets.  

Etherscan Rinkeby Testnet Network Contract: 0xbF7AEaEDd4b7BEc3F4eB1Fc1E250045DA774e961  


A New Discipline In Urban Design Created by 

The Cassandra Project Team 

Hands of robot and human touching on DNA

Cybernetic Model of Symmetric Equilibrium - Third Level (CMSE-3)


The third level implies: design systems (level 1), the observer (level 2), the observer of the observer, the oracle (2+) and the Meta Observer, out of the System (level 3) 

Driving Force: Security of the Ecosystem

 Meta Observers 

Data Protection


Proactive Control of Entrophy 

Prevention Systems Corruption 


ABBT Adaptive Behaviour Based on Targets.

PBIIFT Threats Plan

Underlaying Systems

Psychological  Homeostasis


Cybernetic Homeostasis


Protocols of Interconnection and Collaboration with other Ecosystems in Symmetry

The Boarding Pass is the access to the Hybrid Boarding Platforma by the Boarders, associating to a Smart Contract all Services provided in the Ecosystem

World Day of Remembrance: God's helping


Decentralized Autonomous Organization - 

Transitive Liquid Democracy 

DIN - Decentralized

Information Network

Governance - S.C.C

Symmetric Collective Conscious

Businessman using fingerprint indentific

 Boarding Pass 

The HBPlatform differenciates assets property and use the services of the platform (usufruct), through a Smart Contract

Esfera abstracta

 A Network of   Smart Cities 3.0 

An Empowerment Open Network is a Network of Hybrid Boarding Platforms as a Hybrid Network coordinated by a Non-profit.

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