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  Global Community  

  The Cassandra Project Global Community Program  


The Cassandra Project Founder

"We live excinting times, changes in the way people relate are evolving quickly.


The particular vision of a world that broke the homeostasis and is currently mutating from CMEA-2 TO CMEA-1+ is a fact.


The Cassandra Project aims to revert that trend for an alternative: CMSE-3/SCC through Self-Sufficient & Ultraefficient Cities called Hybrid Boarding Platforms."


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Reunión de Equipo

Global Community Organization:

Program Coordinator: 

A Multinational team will coordinate the development of the Global Community Program in order to get the interest of Community members for the funding of the different programs of the Foundation and become a future Platform Boarder (City Resident).

Global Community: 

The objective is getting the interest of an International Global Community of minimum 100,000 members interested in the objectives of the Foundation and the Action Plan proposed by the Founder for the design if the ECOSYSTEM and Financing of a Platform. 


Once a critical number of Global Community members is reached by this program, the Coordinator will set a Conseil with a number of the most committed and active members in order to carry on with the principles and objectives set by the Founder and obtaining the financial resources through the "Off-shore Boarder Program".

Local Ambassadors:

The LA will be in charge of creating a local group of people in line with the objectives of the Foundation in its own town, region, county or any other local administrative area in order to follow the progressions of the Foundation´s mission and as a meeting point with other co-founding members.

Platform Boosters:

An specific group can be created by members of different LA groups in order to propose the development of a new Platform to the Foundation with the support of a minimum of 1.200 members (SCC3 token holders), the proposal should be channeled through the different Ambassadors.


Edificio de oficinas


Building a Global Community of 100,000 members 

Join the Whitelist for becoming a Co-Founding Community Member

Thanks for joining...Stay in Tune!

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