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"This prisoner who rises to the upper region and contemplates its wonders, is the soul that rises to the intelligible world."       


The History


2012 - 2104 The Decision

In 2012 the Founder decided to leave the city and start an emphyrical execise in order to learn about quick and more efficient construction systems, for that purpose the objective was build three houses, the fourth would be the zero house.

Houses were built under low-cost budgets and in short term delivery.

There was only objective, no complaints from clients. 

2015 - The Zero House

With the experience of house built, the exercise was more sophisticated,
build the ZERO HOUSE. 

The House should be, with the technology of that moment,  Off-Grid, as much Self-sufficient as possible and Energy Efficient.

it took time find the proper location and all the technology research, including reach to Local Zero Mobility

The house was built in 12 weeks. Visit the House at:


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casa coche.jpg

Off-Grid, No Direct Debits,           0 Waste, 0 Sewage, Possitive balance Co2, Local Mobility Zero, 1/3 own production food needs.


 0.47 € daily cost per resident 


2016 - The Incubator


After the construction of the house, the next step was monitoring and as a natural evolution, the ZERO CITY was incubating.


The goals were: 0,47 euros daily cost per resident (boarder), reduced 80% waste, 0 Sewage, Self-sufficient in Energy and Water, Reneable energy in heating, production of part food needs and local mobility sustainable.


No direct debits and No Asymmetrical relations with other systems, becoming the house an ecosystem in itself.

2017 - The Evolution

From Zero House to Zero City



It was a natural trend, once you experience a Zero House, the Self-sufficiency and the connection with nature, reducing your impact and consumption, as well as eliminate asymmetrical relations, then the next step should be moving into a higher level.


The Zero City as an evolution of the Zero House, with 10 Zero principles obliged us to find a proposal from the side of the Urbanism, but we could not find it, for so, should go beyond the Biologycal Urbanism, setting the basis of what we denominated: Psycho-Biological Urbanism, Physical and Mental Equilibrium in Urban Environments, organizing the First International Seminar on May of 2017.

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2018 - The Disruptive Project


We designed the Circular Urban Model (Pre-Project & Masterplan)


The Project was invited to participate in the X International Conference of Sustainable Communities organized by the Joint Research Center, UE. Frankfurt, March,2018.


At the same time we got the interest of Companies in the Project and Social Interest of several social collectives.


We were cuestioned in the Conference how was going to be done the interconnect, at that moment we were working in the solution, but still it should take sometime.

2019 - The Model


The Disruption of the Blockchain Technology in 2008 and the progressions in 2014 allowed us to find the solution and the possibility of interconnection and for so, changing the way people have relations in Financial, Information and Governance.


With the developments in DeFi, DAO, DIN and Governance decentralized Solutions, The Cassandra project moved up to a new higher level.

concepto de red social
Image by Launchpresso
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Tormenta del Desierto

Exceptional Event


The Fork


Asymmetric Models

Symmetric Models

2020 - The Fork

The exceptional event ocurred in 2020 was a pre-shock producing a fork in Humanity Conscious.

Thanks to the technology developed it speeded up the awakening an elevation of consciuos about the threats that we face as a Human Species.

The Cassandra Project appears as a MetaThough, which makes you the MetaQuestion, and once you listen it, you don´t have other exit than answer it, and for so, take a radical position. 
If you can not face the Fork, you will may enter in a Shock. 

2023 - The Action


The Cassandra Project becomes

an International Non-profit


The time is now, to take action with determination and working all together is building a better world.

This is the aim and spirit of the Founder, setting the principles and collaborating with institutions, governments, companies, professionals, universities and public opinion in creating the Ecoenvironments of the XXII Century.

The NPO objective is going to be developed in 4 steps:

1) physical and mental equilibrium in urban environments
2) Research & Development ofTechnologycal



3) Training, Education adn Social Awareness


4) Collaborate with Public & Private Institutions.


Image by Sara Kurfeß
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