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"Intimate and instantaneous perception

of an idea or a truth as if it were in sight."

Foundational Project

We are an independent international non-profit organization that oversees the progress of the design and implementation of HBPECOSYSTEM.


We work to ensure that The Ecosystem is developed and promoted as an efficient solution for the management of hybrid environments.


The Cassandra Project establishes the vision, principles and direction in order to achieve the goal of reaching physical and mental equilibrium of individuals in hybrid environments. 


We work with administrations, companies, social initiatives together the general public and empowering the Foundation Community in order to promote and help the implementation of the designed Ecosystem in communities committed with the improvement of the quality of life of their fellow community members..



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A Hybrid Boarding Platform: Self-Sufficient & Ultra- Efficient EcoEnvironments



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The Cassandra Project aims to be a world leading project in the design of Hybrid Solutions for the development of Environments on which the center is the individual.


For such purpose, all solutions integrated in the HBPECOSYSTEM Model must fulfill the CMSE-3 / SCC requirements.


The MetaObserver

The meta observer is the Third level. 


We live in a world ruled by the 1st or 1+ level, the project aims to reach the higher level: level 3..


The Meta Observer will work on becoming the Foundation as the metaobserver (pre-oracle) of the Ecosystem.


Once the Foundation becomes a MetaObserver then the Founder will leave the Foundation.


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The Boarder


The Boarder as an individual-system that interact with other individual-systems, playing five key roles: invest, use the services of the platform, contribute with his work, information and commitment with the Community in the governance.


All contributions of the Boarder in energy and information will be rewarded with tokens our our unique Transactional Model. 


The Ecosystem

The Ecosystem is designed in different layers:




The Organization sets up the principles based on the Third Level of Cybernetics, for such purpose, the label: CMSE-3 / SCC, has to be used commonly in order to understand all participants (value adders) in the environment on which all are interacting.


Setting up how energy, information and governance are managed. 

Platform Design

The Platform is designed under the Zero City original principles set up in 2017, where the Driving Force is Security Versus Money.


Engineers and Architects have to submit to the protocols of Psycho-Biological Urbanism: beyond biological urbanism, physical and mental equilibrium in urban environments.

Platform Operating System

The Platform Operating System will run all operations in the Ecosystem (HBP), interconnecting the personal app. and the Home Assistant with every Boarder.


At the same time, each POS will interconnect with other POS Platforms, been supervised the whlo Ecosystem by the Foundation (Oracle). 

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Type of Platform

The services and facilities of the Platform should be required by the promoters of every specific initiative, going from educational, industrial, knowledge or leisure core based purpose.


Every Platform is independent as an S.P.V. legal form and interconnected with the other platforms through the ENF. 

Blockchain Technology

All the Ecosystem will use the Blockchain Technology for the development of all solutions (DAO,DIN,TLD,DEFI) under the principles of decentralization, security, consensus, no third parties and transparency. 

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The Foundation will implement in the HBPECOSYSTEM the protocols for the interconnection between platforms, of these with the Oracle and with other Ecosystems under Symmetric relations. 

White Paper - Conceptual - Sept. 2020 (WPC)

Inmutable conceptual model of the principles that rule the CMSE-3 / SCC

White Paper Conceptual - First Amendment - FORK - Dec. 2021

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